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Computers - How To Information | eHow Tips, tricks, how-to, and buying advice for everything to do with your computer and software -- eHow Tech can help you enjoy your PC or Mac.
Computer network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data connections. The connections ...
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Instructor and student resources for this book are available at preface Preface and Acknowledgments Welcome to our online textbook, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. We ( Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, and Addison-Wesley-Longman) think you will find this textbook to be very different than the other computer ...
Computer security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Computer security (also known as cybersecurity or IT security) is information security as applied to computing devices such as computers and smartphones, as well as computer networks such as private and public networks, including the Internet as a whole.